Saturday, January 2nd, 2021 

Capcom Retro Station Coming in March 2021


Legacy arcade cabinets have a become a popular trend in recent years. SNK's NEOGEO Mini and Sega's Astro City Mini being two high-selling mini cabinets, each containing fighting games. The newly announced "Capcom Retro Station" is a Mega Man-themed console sharing the colors and style of The Blue Bomber's iconic helmet. In addition to 5 classic Mega Man titles, the system also has 4 titles from the Street Fighter II series along with Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo. The system may look like a kid's toy at first glance, but the thing has a 1024 x 768 resolution 4:3 LCD display, optional HDMI output for putting it on the big screen, one extra port for a Player 2 controller, and 10w Super Bass speakers with great sound. All 10 games pre-loaded into the game are listed below.


        Confirmed Games for Capcom Retro Station:


Capcom Retro Station will be available for purchase in March 2021.
The system is priced at 21,780 Yen in Japan about $210 USD.


Keep it here on The Fighters Generation for fighting game news in 2021.


 Sources:  AmazonFamitsu

Capcom Arcade Stadium Coming Feb. 2021

Capcom announced a digital collection of 32 arcade classics titled Capcom Arcade Stadium, coming to Switch in February 2021. This collection features several classic 2D fighting games, including: SFII: World Warrior, SFII' Hyper Fighting, Super SFII Turbo, and even Cyberbots. Check out some official promo artwork and official trailer for the package, inside!
  Related News:  (7-7-2020): Sega Announces Astro City Mini Arcade,
   (1-1-2021): Street Fighter: Duel New Character Artwork for 2021,
   (12-16-2020): SNK Announces New Console Coming in 2021,
   (12-18-2020): SFV: Champion Edition's Dan Hibiki Coming Feb. 2021,
   (6-11-2020): Arcade1up Reveals X-Men Vs. Street Fighter / MVC Arcade Cabinet

 Related TFG Links:  Mega ManStreet Fighter 2Chun-Li,  Cammy | TFG NEWS
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