POSTED: Monday, May 18th, 2020
The Best Fighting Game Themed Creations for Animal Crossing: New Horizons (Codes Included!)
In these uncertain and stressful times, relaxing and immersive video games can have a positive effect on the mind. Animal Crossing: New Horizons on
Nintendo Switch is one of those games.
The cute social simulation series has also proven to be a creative outlet for artists, with many users creating true "masterpieces" with their towns and onto various customizable items in the game. (ACNH's in-game design mode has an awesome "pixel-smoothing" effect which really makes
user-creations pop with personality!) For you fighting game peeps who also might enjoy some Animal Crossing & chill in your downtime, here are some brilliant Fighting Game-themed creations for Animal Crossing: New Horizons made by the community. You
can easily download these creations to your game using the ACNH design codes provided.
Animal Crossing: New Horizons has sold 3.9 million copies in Japan alone, making it the best-selling game of all time on Nintendo Switch.
If you'd like to add to this collection of Fighting Game Creations for Animal Crossing: New Horizons, contact me on Twitter
@Fighters_Gen. I'll keep this page updated into the future with more FGC creations. 
On a personal note, I must admit Animal Crossing: New Horizons has become a guilty pleasure of mine, especially during COVID-19 self-isolating. My wife and I have been playin' ACNH almost daily since launch, but we actually first hit it off with the DS / 3DS versions nearly a decade ago. (Yeah, we're good pals with Tom Nook and know a thing or two
about makin' it rain bells.) 
Back in the day (when we weren't married & living together), my wife and I utilized Animal Crossing on the original NDS to write each other letters, and brighten each other's day with in-game presents, and sometimes inappropriate-for-AC humor, while we were apart. It actually made the game that much more fun, playing it with
another person. Just like fighting games. Good times indeed. Also, Animal Crossing music is very relaxing. 5/5 Bags of 99,999 bells. Highly recommended for mental clarity during these tough times. TFG Animal Crossing
stream imminent? Maybe, if I'm not playin' TEKKEN. Thanks for reading.
Joseph, TFG
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