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Valgas is a boxer, just like Falcon. Falcon had always looked up to Valgas, and one night, Valgas invited Falcon to dine with him, and maybe join his crew. But, secretly, Valgas was working with Kraken to attain all 7 power stones, and create a world where only the strongest survive. At one point (this was in the anime, made also by Capcom) he met a man named Jordan Baker, who told him of the power stones, and had one for himself. Valgas killed him, and stole his stone.


Power Stone

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Page Updated:  Dec. 24th, 2021

At first glance, Valgas is pretty generic for a boss. He sort of looks like a cheap knock-off pro wrestler (but apparently he's a boxer?). lol. However, his design in Capcom's art style looks more appealing. Because of the way he's drawn, he actually has some charisma. His ultra-powered up form is also pretty cool. His default form into his powered-up version sorta reminds me of King and Armor King. Heh. 

Fighting  Style  /  Moveset
Personality  /  Charisma
Outfit(s)  /  Appearance
Effectiveness  in  series
Overall Score


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Valgas Animations