Marco Rodrigues

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Marco Rodrigues (also named "Khushnood Butt" in the English versions of Garou: Mark of the Wolves) is a Kyokugen-style karate expert who trained under Ryo Sakazaki. When he became a black belt, he opened a dojo in Brazil and started teaching Kyokugenryu Karate. To prove the might of the martial art, Khushnood entered the "King of Fighters: Maximum Mayhem" tournament. When he returned, he learned that all of his best students got beaten up by the "Gym Buster". Hearing that, he now seeks revenge.

Marco lead a somewhat austere life in a wooded area on the outskirts of town, and fights using powerful, deliberate attacks. Many of his victory quotes sound insightful and philosophical, just as serious as his training and demeanor.
Marco was a green belt at the time of The King of Fighters XI.

His Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves bio is as follows: Marco's hot-blooded nature has earned him a reputation for being a beast in battle. With his dojo sign stolen by forces unknown, he has no choice but to hone his karate skills elsewhere in the interim-namely at Yuri Sakazaki's fitness club. Upon learning of a new KOF tournament on the horizon, Marco steels himself for what lies ahead: an opportunity to spread word about his beloved dojo, a chance to get its sign back, and (of course) a turbulent test of his Kyokugen Karate might.


Garou: Mark of the Wolves



Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves, SNK Vs. Capcom: Card Fighters Clash 2, Card Fighters Clash DS


Page Updated:  June 28th, 2024

Marco / Khushnood brilliantly took the place of Ryo in Garou: MOTW, as the series representative new Kyokugen Karate fighter. As far as "karate guys" go, he's gotta be one of my favorites. Marco's got tons of (actual) karate-based moves that hit hard and awesomely fluid animations to boot. In a simple yet dramatic way, he definitely puts a cool spin on the Kyokugen style, while keeping tradition alive. 

He was a perfect "next generation" Garou character... and also extra cool him being of the very few African-American karate fighters of the fighting game universe. 

On a random personal note, Marco actually looks exactly like my first Karate instructor when I was 7 years old!!! True story. :)

Fighting  Style  /  Moveset
Personality  /  Charisma
Outfit(s)  /  Appearance
Effectiveness  in  series
Overall Score
