Seth is a silent
badass... I had high hopes for the design after looking at him, and French Bread
definitely delivered in-game. Although Seth isn't exactly a "ninja"...
he's your ninja-type character and moves really really fast. Like ULTRA-fast.
His dashing and back-dashing alone is just sick. For a 2D fighting game
character, he's got a TON of movement options. Some things about his playstyle
even remind me of Lars (for one, he's got
U,F+4)! lol.
It's difficult to describe how cool his fighting style is with words. All of his
animations are excellent and not only that... but his attacks and movements
really have a defined style - and definitely show off something that hasn't been
seen before in 2D fighting games. He also keeps things short and sweet when he
talks - gotta admire that in an anime fighting game. lol. Another excellent UNIEL