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General RAAM
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Originally from the Gears of War series, General RAAM is the leader of the Locust Hordes' military. He appears as a guest character in Killer Instinct Season 3. General RAAM is a Locust, a sapient reptilian creature who lives underneath the surface on the planet Sera, a planet similar to Earth. The Locusts desired to escape a civil war going on in their subterranean home and began invading the surface, attacking the humans. Having high approval of Queen Myrrah and being head of the Locust military, RAAM led his people against the humans on Emergence Day to brilliant effect - a decade later and he continues to fight valiantly for ownership of the surface world. It is unknown how he came to the Earth to battle the fighters of the Killer Instinct world.


Killer Instinct: Season 3


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Page Updated:  Jan. 13th, 2023

General RAAM. That's cute he spells his name with CAPITAL LETTERS so he feels important. I didn't play much Gears of War... so I didn't feel any hype from this character announcement. Judging by looks alone... General RAAM is everything wrong with characters in most FPS / third person shooters. He looks like any other forgettable bad guy "boss" that you fight for 3 minutes and then he's dead. Woop dee doop. Is this even a character that Gears of War fans would really want in Killer Instinct? Somehow I doubt it. Look at his default color scheme. The grayscale is real.

Was bringing a generic-looking FPS baddie over to the fighting game world — a world filled with vibrant, colorful characters — a good idea? KI 2013 was already losing steam and popularity by the time 'General Boring' arrived, but this character didn't do anything to add more hype to the game. What's wrong with RAAM's face? His face looks like moldy bread that someone used as a punching bag. His space armor is also cheaply designed and looks shoddy (maybe he needs to level up and upgrade it). In KI2013, his moveset is pretty generic, too. He mostly just stabby-stabs his opponents... and many of his animations are stiff. General RAAM? More like General MEEH.

Fighting  Style  /  Moveset
Personality  /  Charisma
Outfit(s)  /  Appearance
Effectiveness  in  series
Overall Score