Chung Paifu


Chung Paifu is an old hermit (sennin) who has participated due to a past conflict between him and King Lion. According to Chung's official storyline, his cap was given to him many many years ago by a man known as the "Legendary Wolf." (Yes, this insinuates Terry Bogard gave him his hat). Chung's visual design is loosely based on Master Roshi from the Dragon Ball series.
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Savage Reign


Kizuna Encounter


Page Updated:  Aug. 22nd, 2020

Wow, this old dude dresses like a teenager or young kid from any random 90's American sitcom. Chung is a fairly decent comic relief character in Savage Reign and Kizuna Encounter... but he's mostly a Master Roshi rip-off at the end of the day.

Fighting  Style  /  Moveset
Personality  /  Charisma
Outfit(s)  /  Appearance
Effectiveness  in  series
Overall Score