Using the style of
Xynyl Liuhe Quan, Gen Fu is bringing back his legendary attack, "Go Ken,"
Which means fatal iron fist. He once swore he'd never use it again because
of its awesome destructive power. He needs to win the prize money from
"Dead or Alive World Combat Championship" so that he can provide a cure
for his sick granddaughter's rare disease.


Updated: Apr. 30th, 2024
designers, you knew there was already fighting game character named Gen...
and old man with a beard, looking for a cure for a sickness... right? INSERT
"Hey, can I copy your homework?" ...... "Yeah, just change it up
a bit to make sure it looks like you didn't copy it." MEME HERE.
So instead of him being sick, it's his granddaughter? I
mean, come on now Team Ninja... you couldn't think of something more original
for the "token elderly martial arts master" of DOA? I'm sorry
Gen FU (if that's your real name), but you're the token old dude who broke the
camel's back... and you're not that interesting, even in DOA where you stand out
like a sore thumb because you're not a blonde chick with huge boobs. Ouch.
Seriously though, Gen Fu's "zebra" Kung-Fu attire is simply oogly and hideous. His
fighting style also lacks any real excitement, coolness, or ooomph. Also, Wang
says hi..
Style / Moveset |
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