Konoe Ayatsuki
Mercury, more commonly known as Nine, is a witch, one of the Six Heroes, and
one of the Ten Sages. After her supposed death by the hands of Yuki
Terumi, Konoe mysteriously came back as the servant of Hades
Izanami, Phantom. She was mentioned in the series from early on, and
finally became a playable character in BlazBlue: Central Fiction.
Konoe is a witch who
went by the name of Nine. The name "Nine" comes from her being
the ninth member of the Mage's Guild's Ten Sages. Celica
A. Mercury is her younger sister, Shūichirō Ayatsuki was
her father, and her mother is deceased. She was the lover of Jubei of the Six
Heroes, and one herself, as well as the mother of Kokonoe.
She was the first person to achieve the rank of the Ten Sages while still
being a student. Konoe's role in the story is further explained in the novel, BlazBlue:
Phase 0, where Ragna tells
her to beware of Terumi. She was chosen as the Ten Sage with absolute
authority regarding the Black Beast matter.
She passed down her
knowledge of magic to mankind during the Dark
War. During the Dark War, she created the Nox Nyctores in order to
help humans fight against the Black Beast. After the war, she discovered what Terumi's
future plans were, and he "killed" her, giving Kokonoe a motivation
to despise Terumi. She created the Nox Nyctores using human transmutation, a
process that requires thousands of human souls. It is said that the magical
power used to create Mu
-No.12- belongs to Konoe. It is known that the process through which the
Nox Nyctores were created involved the compressing of seithr into a solid
unit, then implanting the unit with the soul of a Black Beast. This
compression spell, known as Infinite Gravity, was used by Konoe to create the
Nox Nyctores and defeat the Beast, and later by Kokonoe to implant a Black
Beast's soul into Fluctus Redactum: Ignis. Konoe is also known to be the
creator of Burning Red.
Immediately following
the Dark War, Konoe released the souls from the Nox Nyctores, with the
exceptions of the Mucro Algesco: Yukianesa, Geminus Anguium:
Ouroboros, Arcus Diabolus: Bolverk, and Phoenix: Rettenjo. She and
Celica later buried the Deus Machina: Nirvana in the area that would
become the 4th Hierarchical City of Naobi many years later.
As Phantom, she is responsible for the injuries that plague Jubei throughout Continuum
Shift. After having encounters with Valkenhayn
R. Hellsing, Jubei, Hakumen and Celica
A. Mercury, all are left stunned at their realization that she is Nine. Relius
Clover is the one that prepared Phantom's current vessel, while it is
Hades Izanami herself that is sustaining her existence. Despite this, her soul
is still unstable. She was tasked with preparing the core of the Gigant:
Take-Mikazuchi for the Imperator.
She encounters Hakumen and Platinum
the Trinity, and after Platinum uses her Nox Nyctores, Arma Reboare:
Muchorin, it is revealed that she is Nine. Rachel
Alucard theorizes that Terumi pulled Nine's soul from deep within the
Boundary and put it into a vessel, making her the "ultimate pawn".
However, despite the brainwashing placed upon her, Nine shows signs of
resisting, and Hakumen says that her hatred for Terumi still burns. Phantom
comes face to face with Jubei after the latter attempts to strike down Hades
Izanami. Hades Izanami decided to let her restrictions on Phantom go, and
allowed her pawn to fight at her full strength as a brainwashed Nine. After
taunting Jubei with her newfound ability to speak once more, the two engaged
in combat; it is assumed that Nine was the victor, as she returned to her
master's side soon after the engagement.

Updated: Oct. 11th, 2020
It's interesting that there are so many "purple witches" in anime / anime games.
Yoriko is a fellow purple witch in the fighting game realm. It really isn't too
difficult to make a "cool" witch character design. Witches are always cool. Full review coming soon.
Style / Moveset |
/ Charisma |
/ Appearance |
in series |
Score |
Not Yet Rated
