The mysterious "Miss
X" is responsible for organizing the Queen of Fighters tournament in SNK
Gals Fighters (2000) and is also the final boss of the game. Miss X also holds the K' Talisman,
which grants any wish. Dressed in a sailor dress and sporting a ninja mask, the
original "Miss X" is actually Iori Yagami,
dressed as a female. He fails to fool any of the girls who joined the
tournament, all of which eventually discover his true identity. While usually a
dark and serious character, Iori (as Miss X) adapts a lighthearted and silly personality
in SNK Gals Fighters. Miss X also makes a cameo appearance in SVC
Chaos: SNK VS Capcom, when Demitri
uses Midnight Bliss on Wild Iori.
In SNK Heroines: Tag Team Frenzy (2018), Iori returns as Miss X,
alongside a female version of Miss X.

Page Updated: Aug. 22nd, 2020
Miss X was one of
those characters in the 2000's where if you knew about the character, you most
likely "knew a lot more" about fighting games than most people. An
obscure character on an obscure NeoGeo portable console that most gamers did not
have. It that sense, Miss X was a pretty great SNK design for the time... for
the fan reaction alone. Hilariously, SNK repeated themselves in 2018 with X's
appearance in SNK Heroines, with newer fans "reacting" to this
character all over again as it's brand new. lol. (Rule 63 is now new,
kiddos.) But I digress, Miss X's three costumes in SNK Heroines are
pretty dope, and like Gals Fighters, the character serves its purpose
since you get to use Iori in the game.
Either Iori is
just plain weird for dressing as a woman and thinking he could fool the SNK
girls, or maybe... he's actually a genius and has a
fetish for watching the SNK ladies fight each other (hey, it worked after all). This
design obviously doesn't take itself too seriously, and makes for a pretty
hilarious premise for one of the kookiest fighting games ever. Some old
school SNK fans would also tell you "Miss X" is reason enough to own / play SNK Gals Fighters.
Style / Moveset |
/ Charisma |
/ Appearance |
in series |
Score |
