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Al-Rashid is a master assassin who was hired by one of the "seven" to bring back the Mace of Tanis.


Mace: The Dark Age




Page Updated:  Dec. 5th, 2020

Even though he's a bit of a cliché and a stereotype... Al-Rashid made a pretty cool fighter for Mace: The Dark Age. Believe it or not, this character archetype hadn't been properly done in the fighting game universe until Mace: The Dark Age, so considering that... he's actually an original character in the genre. He definitely kinda reminds me of a generic bad guy from Aladdin though. lol.

On a side note... I wonder if he knows Sinclair. I bet they're old pals and learned from the same sword master.

Fighting  Style  /  Moveset
Personality  /  Charisma
Outfit(s)  /  Appearance
Effectiveness  in  series
Overall Score