

Sinclair is an attractive young woman that appears to be of Indian descent, and is a mini-boss of sorts. Her flashy sword fighting is reminiscent of an assassin style. She is working with Wyler, pretending to encourage him in his experiments, but secretly wants him to stop them; whether she is there to assassinate him or not is unknown.


Art of Fighting 3




Page Updated:  June 28th, 2020

Sinclair is a pretty, and pretty-generic, Middle Eastern female assassin if I've ever seen one. While she doesn't seem to fit into the Art of Fighting series at first glance, SInclair brings some (arguably much needed) sexy to Art of Fighting 3 (in case Wang wasn't doin' it for you). lol. I like her outfit, even though it seems like she might've bought it at a Halloween store.

Sinclair definitely has some cool animations and a semi-interesting moveset, although she's not really innovative or particularly exciting in any way. What is this crazy chick with a saber doing in AOF again? Is she trying out for Soul Calibur or Samurai Shodown? I think you're in the wrong game, Sinclair. In any case, I think she's still more interesting that half of the other newcomers of Art of Fighting 3. I like her sprite.

Fighting  Style  /  Moveset
Personality  /  Charisma
Outfit(s)  /  Appearance
Effectiveness  in  series
Overall Score