Saya is an attractive
woman that was born in England. Her family was one of the most important
commercial corporations between England and Japan, but they were also one
of the more involved with criminal activities. Due to their denial to accept
conditions by a gang of thieves led by a mysterious person known as Oboro,
an extermination unit was sent to wipe out Saya's family. The mission was
carried out with success, and Saya's parents were killed swiftly. However,
the young Saya still remained. But she was spared when one of the assassin
ninjas took her in, and carried her back to Japan.
Since then, Saya has
been trained in the fatal arts of killing, becoming a walking threat with
her two daggers, that could spell death since Saya could spin them as quickly
as the wind. However, she always lived with anger towards the Razor Trio,
and towards the Bafuku for allowing her family to be manipulated by criminals,
and have not done anything to avoid their murder. Soon, she joins the 'Atom
Rebels' liberation group, and with Jushiro and
she proposes herself to dethrone both the Bafuku and the Razor Trio in
Riten Kyo. Saya is quite vain and arrogant, but her sense of freedom and
kindness have a strong presence in her heart, as well.
