young Christian leader who led a rebellion in Shimabara. But his army was
quickly defeated by the Bakufu army and he was executed for his crime.
Due to his hatred against the world, his soul continued to wander within
darkness. 150 years later, he is brought back into the world by making
a deal with the dark god Ambrosia. He used the body of Shinzo Hattori to
come back to life. He plotted to bring Ambrosia into the world by using
the Palenke stone and its energy. But his plans were quickly stopped as
Haohmaru killed him. But after he was killed
by Haohmaru, his soul was split into two parts. Good and evil. The evil
Amakusa plots world domination and create his ideal kingdom. His weapon is called the Gadamer Gem, a magical orb.

summons Zankuro back from Makai
but is unable to contain him and sends him back into Makai. He then creates
his castle and kidnaps Hazuki Kazama. Using Hazuki's power, he sustains
his castle in the real world. The good Amakusa, on the other hand, plans
to defeat the evil Amakusa and return to one again. But before the good
Amakusa could reach the evil Amakusa, Kazuki
Kazama killed the evil Amakusa. The good Amakusa is freed from his
evil self and plans to protect the world from evil to pay for his crimes.
A year later, sensing a new threat, he sets off to defeat Mizuki.
He saves Haohmaru, Jubei, Kyoshiro,
and Seiger's soul from Mizuki
but his soul was destroyed by Mizuki in the process.
Amakusa from Samurai Shodown is a fictional portrayal of the historical figure of the same name. Amakusa
also shares the likeness of a character from a movie called Makai
Tensei (they even use the same weapon).

Updated: Feb. 10th, 2022
not gonna lie, I thought Amakusa was a chick for the longest time (up until SS3 at least), and I know I wasn't the only one. Fighting with a magical crystal ball? He definitely isn't the type of villain Western audiences were used to in the 90's. Amakusa's appearance as the boss of the first Samurai Shodown wasn't particularly exciting, and seemed a bit
forced perhaps; but his redesign in SS3 was far cooler and more fleshed out. In fact, by the time of SS4... I'd say Amakusa reached a level of badass. Of course, Amakusa was also one of the
cheapest SNK bosses of all time (but of course, future SNK bosses were even worse).
Even though Amakusa reached his peak in SS3 and SS4, I don't think his fighting style or weapon show the Samurai Shodown series at its best... but the idea behind
his fighting style was pretty original at the time. Interestingly, Amakusa was succeeded by other magic crystal ball users in fighting games, including Viola
and Menat! For the record, I think they do it better. In my opinion, some things just look better when a girl does
it. Whether it's dancing or fighting with a magic crystal ball.
Style / Moveset |
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