recently sat down with TEKKEN series producer Katsuhiro Harada for
a interview of sorts. The release of Noctis marked the end of TEKKEN
7's announced post-launch DLC content... and fans have been wondering
if there will be more. In the interview, Harada said "TEKKEN 7
sales have met expectations, I believe we have enough good will to ask for
further investment. So, yes, I think it is safe to expect more to
ever-mysterious subject of in-development title "Tekken X
Street Fighter" also came up. (Yes, it's still
x Street Fighter is) still on hold part-way through development,"
said Harada. "Even now, one can get quite excited when
seeing some of the schedules and some of the character models that
were already created."

we've noted many times... Bandai Namco experimented
with many different aspects in TEKKEN 7, many
elements never before seen in a TEKKEN game. In
that sense, TEKKEN 7 is very much a "test
run" for what's to come in TEKKEN Vs. Street
Fighter (or whatever the crossover turns out to be.
Personally, I think it needs to be TEKKEN
Vs. Street Fighter Vs. SNK). With TEKKEN 7, Bandai
Namco literally proved they can take any
character, from any fighting game, and turn them into a
brilliant (and deep) TEKKEN character.
It makes perfect sense for Bandai Namco not to rush TEKKEN
Vs Street Fighter, especially with TEKKEN 7 still
going very strong in the competitive scene. |
Many other questions
are asked in the full
interview over at TEKKENGamer.com.
On Sunday, May 27th, Michael
Murray and Harada took the stage at Combo Breaker 2018 after the TEKKEN
7 Grand Finals (which were lit by the way - Jin Kazama Vs. Eddy was
one hell of a match-up). On stage, Harada reaffirmed that there is still
more content planned for TEKKEN 7, "Obviously, we still
have some things we're hiding from you guys, so please look forward to
news in the future," said Harada.
In case you missed the news from earlier this week, a FREE update for
TEKKEN 7 is coming to consoles and PC on May 31st, 2018. If the frequency
of past updates (and free slots on the character select screen) are any indication, this won't be the last update
for T7. 
Stay tuned on FightersGeneration.com
for continued TEKKEN 7 coverage.