A selection of
unique video projects & compilations from
YouTube. All videos were created by yours truly, TFG's
Webmaster, Frank Yagami. Besides running FightersGeneration.com
for nearly 2 decades, believe it or not... I actually play fighting games. :) I've been creating gameplay videos since I was a kid in
the 90's (originally using a VCR to capture SNES footage). As you can
probably tell,
creating "video art" is something I still enjoy.
Underneath each video is a basic description of each project, followed
by some bonus "website
exclusive" behind-the-scenes details. If you like what you see here and you'd like to support future TFG video
projects, donations are welcome via Twitch/Streamlabs.
Beta #1 - Ryu Parry Compilation
compilation of Ryu parries from my experience in the Street Fighter V
a parry addict. It's one of the main reasons I've always loved
the SF3 series... especially 2nd Impact & 3rd Strike. (And
also one of the main reasons I dislike SF4). Rejoice, parrying is
back in SF5... at least for one character. I wanted to a release
Part 2 of this video, but I kinda stopped playing SFV after
TEKKEN 7 was released.
Fighter V -
Akuma Teleport Combos
mini Akuma combo video. The only 'rules'... use a teleport
within the combo! Fun stuff. Of course, there are much better and more
practical options to extend Akuma's combo potential in SFV than using
teleport (since it's pretty slow, and there's only one version of it).
Nonetheless, enjoy these fun teleport combos to mix things up and STYLE ON
your opponents! Also, FightersGeneration.com wishes you a Merry Christmas
and Happy New Year!"
SFV Akuma
exceeded my expectations... the ol' Karate demon is still pretty
fun to use. His Critical Art animation / camera angle should be
better though. Anyway, I was feelin' the holiday spirit in this
one. Merry Christmas!
XIV: K' Komprehensive Kombo Kompilation
"Sit back, relax, and enjoy my first KOF XIV combo video! K' is a combo beast. I've always enjoyed using him since way back in KOF '99 and his KOF XIV iteration is sick. As usual, I aimed to make this video enjoyable watchable from beginning to end. ;) Enjoy the classic soundtracks and stay tuned for some
'unexpected' special combos at the end."
Feature! Link
See... this is why K' gets such a good rating on TFG. I've been
playing KOF XIV for a little over a week and I've spent most of
the time learning K'. Pretty overwhelming considering the combo
potential of just 1 character in a game of 50 characters. I
definitely enjoy KOF XIV's combo system more than I thought I
would... now I just gotta (fully) learn two more characters and
I'll have my team ready! lol.
SFV - Necalli "Beast of Divinity" CMV + Storyline Theory
"TFG presents a "Double Impact" Street Fighter V video. Part 1 is a comprehensive Necalli combo video featuring basic to advanced combos (beta 4 gameplay). This combo exhibition will surely assist any player interested in learning how to use Necalli. Part 2 is a storyline theory comparing Necalli with another well-known Street Fighter character that he may be connected to. As always, I hope you enjoy the video in more ways than just one. Sit back, relax, and feel free to comment about the Necalli storyline theories I brought up (or we can talk combos)."
Feature! Link
I wasn't sure what I thought about Necalli when I first saw him...
but he definitely grew on me as a design. After randomly deciding
to learn Necalli in the 4th beta, I planned on just releasing a
few match videos (which I also did), but I went ahead and got
enough footage for a whole combo video (because hey, I was
practicing his combos anyway). Then I bought a $269 Necalli statue
from Pop Culture Shock (because it looks absolutely badass), and
got a few more to sell later. So yeah, I guess you can say I'm now
officially a Necalli fan. :)
7 Gameplay Compilations / Ranked Sets
these videos, I'm simply having fun with one of my favorite pastimes...
playing TEKKEN. I usually multitask and do TFG website work while
waiting for online matches.
A well made, dynamic, balanced, and responsive
fighting game like TEKKEN 7 (with great online) is the reason I
still play fighting games competitively... and play them often. Practice
pays off. Below, some
long TEKKEN sets with a variety of players. I also like setting my
videos with hand-picked background music from other games / series.
Throughout my life, the time I've put into TEKKEN has always
rewarded me... especially after playing this game series for 20+ years..
Playing TEKKEN provides me a certain mental stimulation that I
simply don't feel when playing any other types of games.
I also play a lot of Soul Calibur... same deal. 