MJ is ex-military who now works for a resistance group. She is now convinced more than ever that what's left of the government, there is actually a mysterious group behind them controlling everything. Her espionage skills are unmatched, and she often uses them to spy on and gain information from the enemy. Do not let her sneaky demeanor fool you, however. She is a black belt master in Tae Kwon Do and she learned from the best, her dad. Mateo was MJ's mentor when they were still serving. Mateo thinks of her as his little sister.

Blazing Strike




Page Updated:  July 15th, 2024

This character has not yet received a TFG Review / Rating. Stay tuned! 

Fighting  Style  /  Moveset  
Personality  /  Charisma  
Outfit(s)  /  Appearance  
Effectiveness  in  series  
Overall Score


MJ Animations