

In the Sumo world, Taka-Arashi is famous for his unusually brutal fighting style. One day, while entertaining at an American bar, Taka-Arashi agreed to settle an argument in an underground fist fight. Taka-Arashi fiercely bested his opponent, a man famous in the world of underground fighting. Upon his return to Japan Taka-Arashi informed his boss of his decision to leave Sumo wrestling. On that same day, Taka-Arashi received an invitation to the 3rd Virtua Fighter tournament, and, blood still boiling with the thrill of battle, accepted.

Virtua Fighter 3


Virtua Fighter 5 R, Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown, VF5: Ultimate Showdown


Page Updated:  May 27th, 2021

When Sega wanted to finally put a Sumo wrestler in Virtua Fighter... they did it in a BIG way. ^o^ In VF3, Taka-Arashi looked massive on the screen, and he couldn't even be combo'd like other characters in the game (his float was toned way down). It was an interesting attempt at "realism" but it kinda broke the game. lol.

A Sumo wrestler seemed like a perfect (and obvious) fit for the VF series. His debut in VF3 was pretty cool... but apparently Sega kicked him out of the VF4 tournament for being too fat. Literally. lol. I guess Sega thought it wouldn't be very "Virtua" to air combo a Sumo wrestler the same as everyone else. Sega in 2001-2002 - "It's either game balance or NO SUMO." 

Thankfully, they finally brought him back in VF5R and his return was done very well for the most part. Visually, Taka is still a " generic" design like many other VF characters... but a proper Sumo doesn't need much to be a badass. I'd like to have lunch with him. He must eat good high protein food. 

Fighting  Style  /  Moveset
Personality  /  Charisma
Outfit(s)  /  Appearance
Effectiveness  in  series
Overall Score