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She is Tracy's older twin sister, who was separated at birth from her and abandoned by her parents. Left to fend for herself, she cursed her fate and learned to hate Tracy. She joined the Organization and enters the third Toshinden tournament in order to defeat her sister.


Battle Arena Toshinden 3




Page Updated:  Sept. 6th, 2013

First off, what kind of bizarre weapons are those? Baseball bat tonfas? Wow. Clever, yet strange. Originality points for such a ridiculous weapon-design, I guess. Other than that, Rachael is pretty much a palette swap of Tracy. Her outfit looks a bit more random and less natural than Tracy's, however. 

Now to address the elephant in the room: Those BOOBS of hers are just ridiculous, at least in the artwork. (Go ahead and scroll up.) ^o^ Compared to many other character designs in the Toshinden series (and even just in Toshinden 3), Tracy's design seems rushed and more like an after-thought in some ways. Yeah, she's definitely not one of the "stand out" designs of the series.

Fighting  Style  /  Moveset
Personality  /  Charisma
Outfit(s)  /  Appearance
Effectiveness  in  series
Overall Score

Rachael Animations