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A landmark in video game history, the original Pac-Man arcade game developed by Namco was originally released in Japan on May 22, 1980. The game later released in North America in October of 1980. There have been countless versions and spin-offs of Pac-Man over the last three decades, and he's still one of the most recognizable video game characters of all time. Pac-Man made his fighting game debut in Street Fighter X Tekken where he appears inside of and controlling a giant "mech" Mokujin. Pac-Man also appears as a playable character in Super Smash Bros. 4 and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.

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Street Fighter X Tekken


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Super Smash Bros 4, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate


Page Updated:  May 27th, 2024

I never expected Pac-Man to appear in a proper fighting game. However, such a historic video game character seems to make sense in the epic "Capcom Vs. Namco" crossover that is Street Fighter x TEKKEN universe (considering how zany the game is). Pac's fighting style (while riding his Moku-mech) is random yet clever fan-service... but Pac's SFXT moveset isn't very interesting or innovative. He's a generic character, moveset-wise and his "laser bream to the groin" Super Art is strange. :/ On the bright side, his SFXT Cross Art where he performs a giant-sized Pac-Man headbutt is pretty epic! Pac-Man should have a solid headbutt attack... now that makes sense! ^o^

FUN FACT: Pac-Man's first-ever "crossover" with the fighting game universe was in the PS2 party game, Pac-Man Fever (released on GameCube / PS2 in 2002). The roster features playable TEKKEN & SoulCalibur characters such as Heihachi and Astaroth. Below, enjoy a free game of Google Pac-Man here on TFG!

Fighting  Style  /  Moveset
Personality  /  Charisma
Outfit(s)  /  Appearance
Effectiveness  in  series
Overall Score