Doctrine Dark


He once served Lt. Guile with his own special unit. During his duty, the unit got into a scuffle with another unit, lead by Rolento. The scuffle escalated into a full-on battle and he was the only member of his unit to escape. The battle scarred him emotionally and physically. He escaped from the hospital and went into hiding, only to re-emerge as Doctrine Dark.

He once served Lt. Guile with his own special unit. During his duty, the unit got into a scuffle with another unit, lead by Rolento. The scuffle escalated into a full-on battle and he was the only member of his unit to escape. The battle scarred him emotionally and physically. He escaped from the hospital and went into hiding, only to re-emerge as Doctrine Dark.
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Street Fighter EX

                          ddark-sfex2-artwork-full.jpg (95659 bytes)                          doctrine-dark-early-concept-art.jpg (68407 bytes)


Street Fighter EX2, Street Fighter EX3, Fighting Ex Layer


Page Updated:  June 19th, 2024

Doctrine Dark is a convincing psycho... which is almost always a cool persona for a fighting game character. D. Dark has a pretty cool-looking moveset and he's a pretty interesting and fun character to use. Watch out for those hidden knives, strings, and explosives... EXPLOSIVE. He's a sneaky bastard, watch your back.

Visually, he's successful at looking "unique" as a fighting game character, even though his attire is somewhat simple. Something about that "pretty hair" of his gives me the creeps. He might have the nicest hair out of any video game psycho I've ever seen. Warning signs! His later rendition in Fighting EX Layer was also pretty cool. I think D. Dark's design somewhat inspired Lee Chaolan's TEKKEN 8 outfit.

Fighting  Style  /  Moveset
Personality  /  Charisma
Outfit(s)  /  Appearance
Effectiveness  in  series
Overall Score