



Combot is a general-purpose humanoid robot that Lee Chaolan entered in The King of Iron Fist Tournament 4 as a part of his scheme to win. Combot is unlike any other humanoid robots developed to date. Besides its default set of motor functions, a powerful learning AI function enables it to mimic perfectly any human motion captured on its mocap sensor arrays. With this ability, Combot is suitable for a wide spectrum of applications from childcare, housekeeping, service industries, and even military duty. However, this Combot is a unique version customized for hand-to-hand combat. In fact, its development was rushed so that it could be finished in time for the Tournament.

Violet's plan was to have Combat memorize a variety of fighting styles as it progressed through the Tournament. His ultimate goal was to create the most powerful hand-to-hand combat weapon in the world and win the Mishima Zaibatsu at the same time. Unfortunately, the development team did not have sufficient time to debug Combot. As a result, a few bugs remained in its memory subsystems when the Tournament started. These bugs prevent Combot from mimicking more than one person's moves each time it is powered up.


Tekken 4

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Tekken Tag Tournament 2


Page Updated:  Oct. 29th, 2023

Combot took the place of Mokujin in Tekken 4, and while he was cool in some ways, many Tekken fans found themselves missing that old hunk of wood... Mokujin is just so lovable and is really an icon of Tekken since his debut, which is likely why Namco brought him back in Tekken 5 and after.

Combot is still a good design in his own right, and possibly even makes a bit more sense than Mokujin. I wanted to see Combot and Mokujin appear in the same game for years, and my wish was finally granted in Tekken Tag 2! Combot makes his epic return with a starring role in TTT2's "Fight Lab" Tutorial Mode. Instead of being a mimic character like Mokujin, players can create their own version of Combot using a variety of moves from other fighters (and even customize him visually). No doubt, Namco brought Combot back to the series in a brilliant way... and I was definitely glad to see him return after so many years. Namco... Namco... Namco... yet again with the epic fan service. :]

Fighting  Style  /  Moveset
Personality  /  Charisma
Outfit(s)  /  Appearance
Effectiveness  in  series
Overall Score