Cable is a time-traveling soldier from the future who is here to prevent his apocalyptic timeline from coming to pass. The son of Cyclops and Madeline Pryor (a clone of Jean
Grey), Cable was
infected with a techno-organic virus by Apocalypse. Due to the machinations of Mr. Sinister, he was born with a destiny to kill Apocalypse. As an precaution, Apocalypse took steps to prevent this at an early stage by infecting Nathan with a special "techno-organic virus" which severely limited his powers. Cable possesses
his mother's telepathic and telekinetic abilities, which he uses to keep
the virus from spreading. He also possesses a bio-metallic arm, which is
Cable grew up several thousand years
in the future, where he became a mercenary and skilled fighter. As an adult, he traveled back to the 20th century, where
he formed and led the group X-Force. He has been both a friend and an adversary
to the X-Men ever since.
Cable, knowing what the future could be, is trying to bring about a better
world. Deadpool is an old friend and
partner of his.
