Annie Murakami


Annie comes from a Japanese province and since childhood, she has been taught to absorb the psychic forces that her family has had since generations ago. She is very young however, and hasn't fully practiced her abilities. Her cat's name is Qui-zi, and follows her on her journey.


Rage of the Dragons




Page Updated:  Sep. 19th, 2020

When I think Double Dragon... I definitely don't think of a cute anime girl design like Annie. I wonder what Annie was doing during the original timeline of Double Dragon (perhaps just a kid)? I guess it's a good thing that she's "different" from what's expected from the series. Annie's visual design is pretty clean and actually the best part about her. On that note, her moveset is a but uninspired.

On a side note: She definitely resembles Misa from Death Note... and for the record, Annie actually came before Misa - which is interesting. If you have a thing for goth girls, you'll probably enjoy Annie in Rage of the Dragons. She is a somewhat simple design at the end of the day, but has some cool taunts & win pose animations.

Fighting  Style  /  Moveset
Personality  /  Charisma
Outfit(s)  /  Appearance
Effectiveness  in  series
Overall Score