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Sho Kamui


Sho Kamui is the main protagonist of Breakers. He is a young Karate expert from Japan. Not much is known about him, besides the fact that he is "pursuing strength". In the 1994 prototype of Breakers, titled (Crystal Legacy), he was called Takeshi Kamui. Lee Dao-Long is his rival. Sho Kamui also appears as a playable guest character in Pocket Bravery.

FUN FACT: Sho's alternate name (when both players choose him) is Jin Sawamura, who is named after a certain game company employee. Jin is a Karate master who is Sho and Dao-Long's senior. He is also a big fan of the Japanese pop rock band, TUBE.



Breakers Revenge, Pocket Bravery


Page Updated:  Sep. 23rd, 2022

What's the deal, Sho? Clearly you're idolizing Ryo... who idolizes Ryu. And did you steal Kyo Kusanagi's gloves, or did you make those bootleg Kyo gloves on your own? Alright, let's give this guy a chance though. I actually give Sho some credit, due to the fact that he has some legit  / traditional martial arts techniques. Sho even has a few unique moves of his own. His take on some of the classic shoto-style moves is pretty cool... for example, Sho punches with both arms when doing Ryo's rapid lightning punches. ;)

Sho is probably one of the most interesting & most developed "copycat" shoo fighters from the 90's era of fighting games. To his credit, most of his animations are actually pretty solid. He's probably one of the best-animated characters from Breakers as well. Visually, he's not that exciting... but he adds a lot to Breakers just by being a shoto..... Sho the shoto. I see what you did there, Visco. Breakers wouldn't be Breakers without him.

Fighting  Style  /  Moveset
Personality  /  Charisma
Outfit(s)  /  Appearance
Effectiveness  in  series
Overall Score