

The Sentinels are large sophisticated robots created by the brilliant scientist Bolivar Trask. Trask, a notorious mutant hater, programmed the Sentinels to find and destroy mutants, hoping to make the world safer for "normal" humans. Trask died soon after their creation, but he created a Master Mold that would continue to churn out the deadly automatons. 

Sentinels possess vast weaponry, have the ability to fly and are capable of lifting several tons. Continuing their master's evil mission even after his death, the Sentinels have been reprogrammed several times by many individuals, including Onslaught. It is clear that as long as someone hates mutants, they will not hesitate to use the Sentinels against them.
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X-Men: Children of the Atom

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Marvel Vs. Capcom (assist character), Marvel Vs. Capcom 2, Marvel Vs. Capcom 3, Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3


Page Updated:  May 19th, 2024

Sentinels were a prominent and memorable force in the X-Men series since their arrival. The unique "transforming" Sentinel who appears in the Capcom games is a bit different than the classic ones, but no less badass. He has tons keep-away moves & projectiles at his disposal, and it wouldn't be off the mark to call him "cheap". Yeah, he is overpowered in MVC2, but nonetheless, he's a badass robot doing what he does best. XD Also worth mentioning, Sentinels always had a lot of personality... which isn't the easiest task for a robot.

Side Note: I always found it odd that several key animations from Sentinel's original sprite (in X-Men: COTA) didn't make it to MVC2. It's not like they looked outdated... in fact, Sentinel's original stance, intro animation (as seen below), and walking back animation looked rather awesome, but you won't see those animations in MVC2 for some reason. So did those animations really take up too much space to put in the game, Capcom? :/ Anyhow, 10 years later, the MVC3 version of Sentinel brought back those classic animations, which I thought was awesome. Love him or hate him, there's no doubt Sentinel became an awesome and memorable fighting game character. ROCKET-PUNCH!!!

Fighting  Style  /  Moveset
Personality  /  Charisma
Outfit(s)  /  Appearance
Effectiveness  in  series
Overall Score

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Click Here for more Sentinel artwork!