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The royal prince of the planet Saturn, Saturn Kuida-Ore the 3rd, fights with a special set of yo-yos and his own style of elegant performances. He grew jealous of Saturn as he got more attention from the citizens. After adopting the alias, Prince, he allies himself with Bilstein and uses the empire's influence as a front for chasing his rival.


Star Gladiator



Plasma Sword


Page Updated:  Dec. 7th, 2024

What.  The. Fudge...  Capcom? Welcome to the obscure part of TFG's character section where bizarre and other-worldly characters live in immortality. It should have a title. The upside-down? Bizaroo-world? No. Something else. I'll think of it eventually. Check back some time in the distant future...

As with Saturn, Price disturbs my eyes. Burn it with fire. No, just kidding. Maybe Prince is nice. Maybe this design is deep. Maybe in other galaxies, Prince's clothing style is "normal". I get it. Deep stuff... but this character is still butt-ugly and I don't want to look at it. I've spent more time typing this overview than I have looking at this clown alien A.K.A. "clusterf*ck of colors". @_@ Prince makes other super-obscure characters look rather normal. He's way out there and I'm not surprised at all if we never see Prince again. The weird Capcom space clown alien formerly known as Prince.

Fighting  Style  /  Moveset
Personality  /  Charisma
Outfit(s)  /  Appearance
Effectiveness  in  series
Overall Score