Unable to stand the
chaos and famine that his people bore, Gaoh, the hero of all heroes, sets
his sights on the Shogun. Gaoh was once a loyal general to the Tokugawa clan and
lord to the land of Hinowa. He is one of the previous mentors to the clan's
heir, Yoshitora.
However, Yoshitora and his father became indifferent to the land during the
Tenmei famine and the country was thrown into more chaos as a result.
Concerned about the well being of his countrymen, he decides to rebel against
his lord with an army of powerful warriors until he is defeated by Yoshitora.
He begs for his pupil to become shogun for the sake of the people, which
Yoshitora finally accepts as his responsibility. Demon
Gaoh is his alternate form. Gaoh was designed by the creator of "Rurouni
Kenshin", Watsuki Nobuhiro and is based off of Oda Nobunaga.
