Gamof Gohgry
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Gamof is the leader of the people of the forest planet De Rosa, but he is challenged by an evil contender (who is playable as a palette swap). He fights to ensure his planet's safety and to help his friends. June visits the planet many years later together with her daughter, saying that Earth has no real nature left.


Star Gladiator


Plasma Sword


Page Updated:  Dec. 7th, 2024

Gamof is Capcom's hilarious take on Chewbacca from Star Wars... an arguably "cuter" version of Chewy, perhaps. 90s Capcom character designs are hilarious and never failed to entertain me. Good times.

One can call this character design a "rip-off" in every sense of the term... but nonetheless, this Chewy-clone is pretty entertaining in the game. Also, Chewbacca didn't wear boots or have weird horns like that, so Gamof is a completely original character design. Right? ^o^ 

Fighting  Style  /  Moveset
Personality  /  Charisma
Outfit(s)  /  Appearance
Effectiveness  in  series
Overall Score